Congressional recess is a special time. It’s when Members of Congress (MoCs) come back to their home districts for extended periods of time to meet with their constituents and hold public events. These recess periods are when your MoCs prefer to hold town halls, ribbon cuttings, and otherwise garner good local press for themselves.
Recess is a great opportunity for your group to remind your MoCs that they need to stand up for you.
Below are some expanded tips and strategies on how to maximize this opportunity to influence your MoCs at town halls.
Prepare for Your Town Hall.
- Find out when and where your MoC’s next town hall will be held.
- Tell everyone you can—including us—about the event.
- Hold a group meeting dedicated to preparing for the town hall.
- Develop a list of questions your group will ask your MoC during the event.
- Create your own media strategy for raising the profile of your town hall.
Be Strategic at Your Town Hall.
- Get there early and get organized.
- Make your group’s presence known immediately.
- Tell your stories to your MoC.
- Be polite yet persistent.
- Show your approval or disapproval as appropriate.
- Record everything.
Get Back to Work After the Town Hall.
- Reach out to the press—and us!
- Share all of your images and videos.
- Thank your MoC—and tell them that one town hall is not enough.
This section describes how to prepare for a town hall in five simple steps. First, find out when and where the town hall will be held. Second, advertise it. Third, hold a group meeting to prepare for it. Fourth, develop a set of questions that you want your MoC to answer at the town hall. Finally, create your own media strategy to get press coverage for it.