Yesterday, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer surrendered leverage in the Senate, paving the way for a GOP funding bill that jeopardizes critical programs and accelerates the efforts of Trump, Musk and congressional Republicans to dismantle entire agencies and gut public services. Today, Indivisible met with leaders of our movement, both in New York and across the country, to discuss what this means for the fight to save our democracy. Based on those conversations, Ezra Levin, Co-Executive Director of Indivisible issued the following statement.
Today, Republicans advanced a funding bill that gives a blank check to Trump and Musk to continue their coup. It is a naked attempt to cement their control over our futures. It’s inexcusable that 10 Senate Democrats gave them the votes to pass it.
"Since Trump took office, Republicans in every corner of this country have been bombarded with calls, protests, and pressure at home because of Trump and Musk’s agenda. People are losing their jobs, losing access to social services, and living in fear of authoritarian takeover. They’re not happy, and these spineless members of Congress know it. They can try to hide or spin their way out of this, but their vote speaks volumes.
"The richest man in the world doesn’t want you to criticize him. He’s using his puppet, the President of the United States, to threaten the tools of the state against peaceful Americans expressing their opinions."
“Rep. Green had the spine to call out Trump’s blatant lies on Tuesday night. That’s the kind of Democratic leadership we need—not tone-policing, not pearl-clutching, and certainly not pretending this is a normal presidency."
Republicans are whining that the blowback they're getting at town halls is coming from paid protesters. It's not, but they're welcome to keep deluding themselves as long as they want.
“They’re taking food off of families’ tables and healthcare away from those who need it most so that billionaires can buy a new private jet or mega-yacht. The hours and days leading up to this vote were marked with internal GOP debates over just how deeply to slash Medicaid and just how lavish the tax giveaways to their billionaire donors could be."