GROW Grant Program
Welcome to the Indivisible Grassroots Organizing Wins (GROW) Grant Program! This program is designed to provide direct financial support to Indivisible groups for collaborative and capacity-building projects. Indivisible groups can apply for grant money for projects, supplies, trainings, vendors and more.

Application Timeline
Applications are due every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 11:59 PM PST. Award Decisions are sent 2 weeks after the application deadline–usually, the 1st Tuesday of the succeeding month.
Up to $8,000
Project involving 10+ Indivisible groups and/or is a statewide or cross-state organizing effort.
Up to $2,500
Project involving 2 to 3 Indivisible groups.
Up to $4,000
Project involving 4 to 9 Indivisible groups.
Up to $1,000
Project involving only 1 Indivisible group(s).
Those requesting and accepting grants must be active members of an Indivisible group that is registered with Indivisible, and be using the money to fund activities approved by their group and its leadership.
GROW Grant money must be used for Indivisible-led activities that increase collaboration between two or more Indivisible groups, and/or for activities that build capacity for the group(s) involved by focusing on things like recruiting new members, developing leadership capacity, increasing technical skills, and building racial equity and inclusion.
One of the groups involved in any grant must have (or commit to acquiring) a Distributed Fundraising account. This is so that we can distribute the funds to you seamlessly and maintain legal compliance.
If you do not have a Distributed Fundraising account, set one up now.
NOTE: Registering and activating your account can take a couple of weeks, and you cannot receive grant funds without it.
Grant funds should be used within six months of receipt.
Grant recipients need to report that appx. 75% or more of their most recent award has been spent before they will be considered for another grant funding the same project.
Recipients’ Debrief Surveys are due once the project is completed.

I Would Like to Apply for a Grant!
Before you apply, please review the Support & Reference Materials below to help understand the application/review process, rules and restrictions, and as well as potential project ideas. Filling out the application shouldn't take more than a few hours. However, for large and complex projects, expect the background work you'll need to do in advance -- such as recruiting other groups to collaborate, and determining your budget -- to take some time.
GROW News & Updates
Read our program announcements as well as past grant recipients and their project descriptions.
Get the latest info.Office Hours
Need 1-on-1 assistance with your project? Schedule time with our GROW team every Thursday between 4:00 - 6:00 PM EST.
Schedule an appointment