A practical guide for endorsing in local, state, and federal elections
The original Indivisible Guide focused on how to act locally to influence your elected officials. This guide focuses on how to act locally to hold them accountable at the ballot box -- and in some cases, how to replace them.
Since our National Endorsements program began in 2018, our movement has issued over 125 Congressional and Gubernatorial endorsements, building progressive power by helping to elect the next generation of bold leaders. And local Indivisible groups have endorsed hundreds more up and down the ballot, fighting to make their leaders more accountable.
Both upstart candidates and longtime elected officials recognize that local Indivisible groups are a real source of political power and that earning your support is extremely valuable. They’ve seen the incredible hard work from Indivisibles across the country fighting against MAGA extremism and right-wing, reactionary currents.
You’ve pushed candidates on the issues that matter. You’ve knocked doors, phonebanked, and held candidate forums. And you’ve made sure that the people who power our multiracial, grassroots coalition came out to vote. Indivisibles have real people power that’s impossible to ignore, and candidates want to tap into that.
But we all know our work is not done. Each year that we elect more Indivisible champions the more powerful our movement becomes and the better we’re able to build lasting majorities that can enact progressive priorities. In the House of Representatives, this torch is carried by members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, who organize and fight to ensure that we pass the most ambitious and progressive legislation possible.
Beating the GOP, a party that is no longer committed to maintaining basic tenets of democracy, is a hugely important general election goal. It’s absolutely necessary that we continue to repel far-right forces. We also need leaders that are not just pro-democracy, but who will staunchly defend progressive values and stand indivisible with us. That means we have to care about who wins Democratic primaries.
We know elections -- especially primaries! -- can be intimidating. We also know that an endorsement, done correctly, is one of our most powerful tools for change. This guide demystifies the process, with advice on how best to engage in both primary and general elections.