States are critical to restoring our democratic institutions. Our new guide, Indivisible in the States, outlines strategies and tactics for how states can both resist Trump and pass bold, progressive policies.
States are critical to restoring our democratic institutions. Our new guide, Indivisible in the States, outlines strategies and tactics for how states can both resist Trump and pass bold, progressive policies.
States are critical to restoring our democratic institutions. Our new guide, Indivisible in the States, outlines strategies and tactics for how states can both resist Trump and pass bold, progressive policies.
The federal government can set standards and practices that apply to all states around gun safety. But states have the option of passing additional measures to protect their own residents from gun violence.
You’ve heard us say it before, but we’ll say it again: this is a marathon, not a sprint. Here are a few tips on how to make advocacy a habit—and keep it fun and engaging in the months ahead!
This resource includes initial things to do in your groups and your community to identify and fight white supremacy, but is just a start. At the end of this resource you will find a suggested reading list and materials to continue building your knowledge and skills.