Financial Support
Learn more about how to fund your group’s activities through our fundraising, grants, and reimbursement programs.

Fundraise for Your Group
Learn more about the Distributed Fundraising program and how to raise money for your activities.

Grants to “GROW” your Organizing Impact
Our GROW Grants program provides direct financial support for Indivisible groups’ collaborative and capacity-building projects.

Reimbursements for Community-Building Activities
Our IndivisiGather program helps reimburse groups wanting to host fun, non-advocacy-based activities with their members and community.
Which Program is Right For You
Distributed Fundraising
Fundraise for Your Group
Indivisible’s Distributed Fundraising program is a streamlined process for groups to fundraise without
going through the process of forming a board of directors, writing bylaws, registering as an independent
organization, or seeking out 501(c)(4) status. As part of this process, we will provide you with:
- An ActBlue page for supporters to donate directly to your group;
- A debit card to spend the funds you raise;
- Guidance, resources, and occasional matching campaigns to help you maximize your fundraising;
- Access to information about who has donated to your group;
- And a system for reporting and tracking your group’s spending.
Because we are a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, there are certain spending restrictions.
You CAN spend the money on
- Public education
- Voter registration and GOTV activities
- Group building, or routine group costs not related to a particular campaign or project
- Lobbying
- Donations to 501c3 or 501c4 organizations
- Some federal political spending with preapproval
Learn more about what group spending activities can be funded through distributed fundraising.
GROW Grants
Grants to “Grow” Your Organizing Impact
This program is designed to provide direct financial support to Indivisible groups for collaboration and capacity-building projects. Using the process below, Indivisible groups can apply for grant money for projects, supplies, trainings, vendors and more.
Who can apply: Those requesting and accepting grants must be active members of an Indivisible group that is registered with Indivisible, and be using the money to fund activities approved by their group and its leadership.
What will be funded: Grant money must be used for Indivisible-led activities that increase collaboration between two or more Indivisible groups, and/or for activities that build capacity for the group(s) involved by focusing on things like recruiting new members, developing leadership capacity, increasing technical skills, and building racial equity and inclusion.
- Grants up to $1,000: Project involving only 1 Indivisible group(s).
Grants up to $2,500: Project involving 2 to 3 Indivisible groups.
Grants up to $4,000: Project involving 4 to 9 Indivisible groups.
Grants up to $8,000: Project involving 10+ Indivisible groups and/or is a statewide or cross-state organizing effort.
Rules & Restrictions: We highly recommend you look at our FAQ resource for more information on how grant funds can be used for different activities and expenses.
How the funds will be received: One of the groups involved in any grant must have (or commit to join) a Distributed Fundraising account (this is so that we can distribute the funds to you seamlessly and maintain 501c4 compliance). If you do not have a Distributed Fundraising account, set one up now. NOTE: registering and activating your account can take a couple of weeks, and you cannot receive grant funds without one.
Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you have about the program overall or about your application. You can reach the GROW Grants team at for support, or sign up for Office Hours with the Grants Team.
Reimbursements for Community-building Activities
Your Indivisible group can access up to $1000 in reimbursements to cover the costs for FUN gatherings that help organize your group, build community, and lean into organizing basics–outside of any issue advocacy and political organizing. These gatherings can be structured around group retreats, barbecues, ice-cream socials, coffee chats, game nights, beach gatherings, hikes, virtual get-togethers, etc. Whatever members of your group like to do that will help them recuperate, deepen their understanding around issues, and build on their friendships with each other, and find some time to do it together.
This is an initiative of Indivisible Civics a 501(c)(3). That means all events must have a primary purpose of civic education and cannot include lobbying or partisan political activity. We will not be able to process reimbursements for events that included lobbying or partisan activity. Please read this resource for examples of c3 compliant events, and you can talk to your Organizer about our other financial support systems.
The Distributed Fundraising and GROW Grants programs can fund issue advocacy and election work with some restrictions. See our program matrix to navigate which of our programs can fund your group's different advocacy and election-focused activities.
The IndivisiGather, Distributed Fundraising, and GROW Grants programs can fund educational or community-building activities. See our program matrix to navigate which of our programs can fund your group's different advocacy and election-focused activities.