Before Your Text Party: Signing up for TextOut
To ensure you can get up and texting as quickly as possible, we are asking that you take a few moments to create your textbanking account with TextOut before the training!
To ensure you can get up and texting as quickly as possible, we are asking that you take a few moments to create your textbanking account with TextOut before the training!
Learn more about how to fund your group’s activities through our fundraising, grants, and reimbursement programs.
No matter how many new and exciting digital tools we develop to organize and stay in touch, there will never be a replacement for face to face conversations.
Looking for resources for your Indivisible Group? Welcome to the Resource Library, your place for all of your Indivisible group needs!
A sustainable group will likely need to go through several leadership transitions over time. It’s a normal part of group development and will even strengthen the group to bring new folks into leadership.
Learn about common group legal structures should your group wish to explore these options.
"Coordination" is a legal term defined by federal election law and FEC regulation. Once a group has been exposed to nonpublic strategic info, any money the group spends on that election will likely be treated as a coordinated expenditure.
Mobilize is a volunteer and event management platform. Its easy-to-use website allows you to create pledge forms, invite people to take online actions, and recruit for and manage your events.