The resistance cannot consist just of fighting back against Trump. Rather we have to work to overturn the patterns of injustice that helped Trump rise to power.
This resource will set out guidelines for how to build inclusive partnerships, including who you can and should be reaching out to, and how to build trust and show respect when reaching out.
You’re ready to take action to stop the Trump agenda, and you’ve found others who are ready to act with you. Now it’s time to channel that energy towards making your Members of Congress (MoCs) listen.
Get familiar with local reporters: As news stories come out, keep an eye out for the local newspaper reporters that write about your Member of Congress the most.
You wouldn’t be standing indivisible if you didn’t have strong progressive values, rooted in an inclusive and respectful vision of our country. If you follow those values, it is a lot less likely that you’ll accidentally say or do something you don’t intend.